"At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.'" Job 1: 20-21
As American Bible Belt Christians, we might make the assumption that Job spoke these words after his dog died or he was in a fender-bender. In reality, Job made this, one of the greatest statements of praise to God ever written, after being told that he had lost everything that he owned and that all of his children were dead. The question I have is, could any of us have the same reaction to a personal catastrophe of this magnitude? When we sing the words, "Blessed be the name of the Lord," do we realize the kind of pain these words came out of?
Over the past 9 hours or so, I have seen two different kinds of rain.
The first came when I got my second job opportunity in the last two days. As a bit of background, to say that I have gone through a "dry season" financially over the past few months would be a huge understatement. I have waited and waited for God to provide a job, trusting the whole time that He would. And now, after months waiting, God opens not one, but two doors over the span of 24 hours. I have been relying on God for financial security like the farmer relies on the rain to grow his crops and feed his family. Well, when it rains, it pours! Praise the Lord!
The other type of rain that I have seen was not nearly as pleasant and definitely hadn't been asked for in prayer. I found out a few hours ago that one of my sister's teachers died. She was pregnant, miscarried, then died in surgery a short time after. She was a young, passionate teacher who invested herself in her students. She had her whole life ahead of her, and now, in a matter of hours, it's over. I can't even begin to imagine what her husband and her parents are going through. What do you say to someone who is going through something like that? This type of rain comes sometimes at the most unexpected times and can be crippling. I ask that everyone reading this would be praying for the Marks family and for the students at Ovilla Christian School.
Job's reaction is one that I think we all would like to say we would have, but how many of us really would? Imagine the kind of faith and reliance on God that it takes to praise Him during the darkest moment of your life. The wonderful thing is, however, that the verses I quoted earlier are not the end of the story. God rewards Job's faith and obedience restoring everything he had and more. Does everyone's story end this way? No, but God promises in Romans 8 that "all things work for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose." You see, Job realized something that God made abundantly clear to me tonight: He is so much bigger than this temporary world we live in and all that we see. Anything good we have in our lives was given to us by Him and is His to take away if He so chooses. Bottom line: God is God, we are not, and He will take care of us no matter what. I pray that if God chooses to allow something like this to happen to me, that He would find me as faithful and obedient as Job.
No matter what kind of rain you are experiencing, just know that the other kind could happen at any time. Be thankful for what you have and have faith that God is still on His throne and that His power and will are perfect.
1 comment:
Wow. This gives a real perspective to a couple of Mercy Me songs I could name right now. It's like Jeremy Camp writing one of the most amazing songs of all time, in my opinion, after his wife died of cancer. You, as my best friend, know how impatient and upset I can get when there's the least bit of opposition to my "plans". I pray that God gives me the strength to withstand those times and transforms my heart so that I can not only remain true to Him, but praise His name with all I have. Thanks for the message Michael.
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