Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Four Months

It's been an incredibly long time!!! The fact that your reading this means two things: first, you have a lot of free time and nothing else better to do (kidding), and that I have refused the urge to just shut this thing down. God's doing some amazing things, and I can't wait to share them. Please pray that this time around will last. God bless.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Don't shut it down. It encourages me when I get on here and read the things you, Brandi and Ali have written. I now it's been 3 months since you were on here, but I still appreciate it. I'm so excited you're going to be a married man soon. You're my best friend, my brother. I love you so much Michael, in the non gayest way possible. lol Anywho, I know God's going to bless you guys in your message and I thank you for being the friend you've been and including me in your special day. I'll see you at church Wednesday.