Thursday, October 23, 2008

Long Time No See


It has been over 6 months since I have blogged...

Does this say something about where I have been the past few months? Very possibly.

Suffice to say, this form of accountability has been lacking in my life, and my relationship with the Lord has suffered as a result. My walk has not been what it should be. However, that part of my life is now behind me, and I am moving forward.

God set me on fire today.

It wasn't a singular event, but a long series of events that led me to a point of absolute spiritual desperation. I felt like everything I thought and believed was caving in around me. I am by no means claiming that some major catastrophic event happened in my life. This was all internal. A war has been waging inside of me for months, and God broke through the line today. Again, it wasn't some great worship moment or life-shattering tragedy, but simply sitting in class and pondering what has gone on in my life lately.

Things are changing.

Things have changed.

More to come...

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